Royal Oak Pet Clinic
The Guinea pig is a member of the rodent family with an average life span of 4-7 years and are generally sociable creatures that are easy to care for. Guinea pigs must chew to wear down their constantly growing front teeth so you need to provide chews, apples, carrots and other firm vegetables and fruits, regularly.
Pet Information
FAQs About Guinea Pigs
What type of housing is best for guinea pigs?
Your guinea pig’s cage should be made of wood, plastic or metal with wood shavings (not cedar or sawdust shavings) or hay for bedding. Guinea pigs like to have places to hide and sleep so it’s a good idea to have a wooden house for them inside their cage. Keep your guinea pig in a dry area protected from cold drafts and direct sunlight.
What do I feed my guinea pig?
Guinea pigs are herbivores which means they only eat grasses, vegetables and fruit. It is best to provide an assortment of fruits and vegetables twice daily such as carrots, peas, apples, green peppers, spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, red leaf lettuce, cucumbers, celery, melons and parsley. Unlimited amount of hay should be supplied in your guinea pigs cage at all times for them to snack on. It is also important to include fresh pellets in your guinea pig’s diet as they are enriched with vitamin C which guinea pigs cannot synthesize so it must be supplemented. Give your guinea pig fresh water daily. It is best to use plastic sipper bottles.
Do I need to trim my guinea pigs nails?
Guinea pigs should have their nails trimmed every 6 weeks, or as necessary. Care must be taken to avoid cutting a blood vessel. Consult a veterinarian if you are unsure.